Saturday, August 22, 2009

Why do I Blog?

I was listening to a podcast the other day (side note: I've just discovered podcasts since I got my new iPhone, and they're great for making use of drive time and workout time) with Microsoft guru Scott Hanselman and developer Joel Spolsky. Joel made a couple comments about blogging. One was that 90+% of bloggers start out their blog with big, grandiose mission statement type blog, and that's there first and last blog. They never post again. (I'm almost that bad, but I have been posting irregularly for several months now.)

But the more insightful comment was that most people blog in almost complete oblivion for a year or more, with virtually no followers (that's me!), and then, at some point, they make a blog post that get's picked up and becomes the post that they are known for (still waiting for that to happen.  Of course, it's more likely to happen if I actually post some stuff).

But he also noted that a lot of times bloggers will put stuff in their blog JUST SO THEY CAN FIND IT! Because blogs ARE crawled by Google, and, when you note something in your blog, you'll be able to find it by googling for it.

This blog is a really somewhat schizophrenic, in that I have two widely divergent interests that I tend to blog about - technology, and my spiritual journey.  These have drastically different intended audiences, and half the time I'm not sure who my intended audience is. I initially thought about making two separate blogs, but coming up with a name for one of them was hard enough.  And I looked to other Christian bloggers (notably Greg Beamer, a fairly well-known developer who writes the "Stop Making Sense" blog and signs off his entries  "Grace and Peace"), and noted that they had mixed content, so I thought I'd try it.

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