Monday, December 8, 2008

Geeks Have a Life, Too

My self-assessment is that I am, indeed, a bonafide geek. I'm a career-long software engineer (computer programmer to laymen). I have 4 computers in my house. I'd rather look it up on Mapquest than carry an atlas in my car. And I haven't kept a check register since 1990 when I started using Quicken.

I spend 8+ hours a day in a cubicle working on computers, and then, most nights, I come home and work on my own computer projects, mostly web sites I'm working on, because that's what I enjoy.

But computers do not define my life. I do have a real life. I have a group of real life (not facebook) friends that I see regularly. I love to country western dance, and have friends that I see on my nights out there, usually once or twice a week. I am active in my church (Bent Tree Bible Fellowship), and have several close friends there.

While I expect a lot of my postings to be technology related, I feel like I am grappling with significant issues in the real, more relevant aspects of my life - my walk with God, and my relationships with others - and I feel like, from time to time, I will have something worth writing about in those areas as well.

Thanks for joining me. I hope that you find something of value in my occasional musings in this space.

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